Smart Start Survey Help Request Form

Earlier this year, Governor Pritzker announced his plan for Smart Start Child Care Workforce Compensation Contracts.   IDHS is conducting a provider survey in August 2023 to inform the structure and amounts of these contracts. Follow the links below to take the survey: 

If your question is not answered in the Survey FAQs, submit this form and a member of the survey team will follow up with you within 3 business days.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la encuesta, envíe este formulario y un miembro del equipo de la encuesta se comunicará con usted en español dentro de los 3 días hábiles.

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Your name: *
Your program's name:  *
Your email address:  *
Best phone number to reach you:  *
How do you prefer to be contacted?  *
If you prefer a phone call, what days and times are best for you?
Please describe your question(s) or the issue(s) you need help with.  *
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